Discover Why 99% of People Who Exercise Are Unknowingly Damaging Their Thyroid & Metabolism and Setting Themselves Up for Long Term Weight Gain
Discover Why 99% of People Who Exercise Are Unknowingly Damaging Their Thyroid & Metabolism and Setting Themselves Up for Long Term Weight Gain
Dear Thyroid Sufferer,
I’ll be the first to admit it…
I’ve made a few mistakes in my life, but when it comes to exercise… I made a big one. And it came back to bite me and my thyroid in the backside.
I don’t want you to make the same mistake that I did (which I’ll share with you in just a minute), which is why I want to show you the only safe and truly effective way to exercise and boost your metabolism for hypothyroidism sufferers.
In fact, I’m about to show YOU the single biggest reason why 99% of people who exercise are unknowingly causing more damage to their thyroid and making their hypothyroidism worse every single second of the day.
Now, this is VERY important for you to understand…

Dear Thyroid Sufferer,
I’ll be the first to admit it…
I’ve made a few mistakes in my life, but when it comes to exercise… I made a big one. And it came back to bite me and my thyroid in the backside.

I don’t want you to make the same mistake that I did (which I’ll share with you in just a minute), which is why I want to show you the only safe and truly effective way to exercise and boost your metabolism for hypothyroidism sufferers.
In fact, I’m about to show YOU the single biggest reason why 99% of people who exercise are unknowingly causing more damage to their thyroid and making their hypothyroidism worse every single second of the day.
First, this is VERY important for you to understand…
Losing Weight “Quickly” Is Dangerous to Your Thyroid Health

This may sound strange… but trying to lose weight quickly is the worst way to lose weight.
If you damage your thyroid in the process (which almost everyone does) it will only result in more long-term weight gain, more fatigue, and more health problems.
Nobody, not even the so-called “experts”, care to properly understand the science and physiology of how exercise impacts your thyroid and your entire hormonal system.
I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but this is putting you in a very dangerous position.
The truth is, these “experts” are all recommending the absolute worst ways to exercise that only continue to suppress your thyroid, lower your metabolism, and slowly but surely destroy your health in the process.
In fact, most people are brainwashed to believe that their weight is the best indicator of their health… and if you lose a few pounds by killing yourself in the gym, it must be healthy for you, your thyroid, and metabolism.
I surely don’t want you to continue down that path and I don’t think you want to either.
You can change your path starting today because…
…I’m going to show you how to stop exercising harder… and start exercising “smarter”.
How to stop hurting your thyroid and killing your metabolism… and start helping your thyroid and maximizing your metabolism.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve tried everything under the sun to lose weight or boost your metabolism. I can guarantee that you haven’t tried this…
It’s Time You Were Told the Truth About Exercise…
You deserve much better than to be left in the dark thinking that you’re doing the right thing for your health while unknowingly sabotaging your thyroid, metabolism, and health in the process.
That’s why I’m going to show you the only way to take your typical thyroid-suppressive exercise and turn it into exercise that can actually help support your thyroid.
I’m also going to share my 3 Keys to Thyroid-Exercise that will ensure that you can’t fail and that you will drastically boost your metabolism in the process.

These are the exact three exercise-principles that I teach my clients today who want to use exercise to their advantage in improving their thyroid health.
How did I discover all of this? What most people don’t know is that along with my studies in functional medicine and advanced studies in thyroid research and nutrition… I’ve also had the opportunity to study with some of the most brilliant minds in the fields of exercise science and manual therapy.
This includes my time studying exercise and rehabilitation at the world renowned CHEK Institute in Carlsbad, CA and my in-depth hands on training from the famous Paul St. John’s Clinic of Neuromuscular Therapy in Clearwater, FL.
Yet, before this time, my life was very different as I struggled with my own thyroid issues.
When I was younger (although I didn’t realize or understand it at the time)… I had discovered the solution to exercise that I now teach my clients.
I quickly began seeing incredible changes in not only my energy levels, but also in my body.
But, Then I Made the BIG Mistake…
Instead of continuing to do what was working… I fell into the same trap that so many of my clients today have also fallen victim to.
I started listening to all of the so-called “experts” out there who told me that everything I was doing was wrong and unhealthy.
Not knowing what I do now, I watched as my strength, energy, and eventually my thyroid health began to suffer big time.
As this happened, I grew to hate exercise, which was something that I once was so passionate about and enjoyed.

It wasn’t until my studies later in life, after truly understanding the science behind exercise and how it intricately affects the thyroid, hormonal system, and weight loss, that I realized that I was really on to something big all those years ago.
Once I began exercising again… now using the 3 Keys to Thyroid-Exercise I’m about to share with you, I’ve experienced all of the same welcomed changes with my energy and body.
Yet, the best part was that I re-discovered my passion for exercise, and it actually became fun again.

Warning! This Is Not A Quick Fix Weight Loss Gimmick Or Magic Pill/Powder
If you already know me, then you know that I do NOT recommend quick fix weight loss gimmicks or the ridiculously unscientific claims that they use to promote their products. If you understand real science and physiology, then it’s easy to see that they simply don’t work in the long run.
The truth is that quick fix weight loss solutions (whether they be diet or exercise based) work by hijacking and taking advantage of your hormones in a very dangerous, unhealthy, and thyroid-suppressive way.
They work by tricking your body into breaking down your own healthy tissue to use as energy. Sure, they want you to believe that you’re burning lots of fat…

If you already know me then you know that I do NOT recommend quick fix weight loss gimmicks or the ridiculously unscientific claims that they use to promote their products. If you understand real science and physiology then it’s easy to see that they simply don’t work in the long run.
The truth is that quick fix weight loss solutions (whether they be diet or exercise based) work by hijacking and taking advantage of your hormones in a very dangerous, unhealthy, and thyroid-suppressive way.
They work by tricking your body into breaking down your own healthy tissue to use as energy. Sure, they want you to believe that you’re burning lots of fat…
But the Truth Is That You Are…
- Damaging Your Metabolism
- Suppressing Your Thyroid
- Wasting Healthy Muscle Tissue
- Damaging Healthy Organs
- Increasing Bone Loss
- Driving Systemic Inflammation
- Suppressing Your Immune System
- And The List Goes On And On…
It’s time you forget everything you’ve ever heard about exercise and weight loss and understand this…
All Exercise Is A Stress To Your Body …
You heard me right…
Exercise is a stress to your body no matter how you look at it.
And all stress suppresses your thyroid, whether you like it or not.
Let me break it down for you…
It All Boils Down to Your Liver, Muscles, and “Fuel”…

Most people understand that exercise forces your body to generate more energy, or “burn more calories”.
Yet, here’s the part that most don’t understand…
To generate more energy for exercise, you need more “fuel”.
Now, healthy people store lots of “fuel” in their liver and muscles to help them withstand the stress of exercise.
Yet, thyroid sufferers can’t properly store this fuel, which makes you extremely susceptible to the ill effects and stress of exercise.
Think about it for a second…
Why do you think thyroid sufferers are often tired all the time and fatigue so easily?
Because you can’t store enough fuel to generate the energy you need.
Shutting Down Your Thyroid Is a Natural Survival Mechanism…

Now here’s the dangerous part.
When you exercise with a low fuel supply, your body panics and starts releasing massive amounts of stress hormones.
These stress hormones shut your thyroid down and lower your metabolism to conserve and save what little fuel you do have to keep your brain functional.
If your body didn’t shut everything down, then you would burn through all your fuel quickly, your brain would stop functioning, you would lose consciousness, and death would soon follow.
It’s simply a natural survival mechanism.
Yet, the effects of exercising on an empty fuel tank have long-lasting effects on your thyroid and metabolism.
This means that your body starts burning calories at a very slow rate. Not just while you exercise, we’re talking about 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which only leads to long-term weight gain.

Now, Imagine This…

It’s the dead of winter and you’re stuck in a little cabin with nothing but a wood burning furnace to keep you from freezing to death.
If you had plenty of firewood, then you could use as much you want and turn your cabin into a sauna if you wanted.
That’s what exercise does to your body… It forces your body to use more fuel and crank up your body heat like a sauna.
But… since you suffer from hypothyroidism, all you have is a few measly pieces of firewood which you must conserve and make last the entire freezing-cold night.
You bet you would be using that firewood sparingly. Otherwise, if you used it all up too fast, you would freeze to death.
That’s exactly what you’re doing when you exercise with hypothyroidism… using up all your fuel reserves and unknowingly killing your thyroid in the process.
Trust Me, It’s Not Your Fault…
Sure, you can go talk to your doctor or just about any other so-called “expert” out there and you’ll probably hear the same bad advice… (Most people believe that this makes sense, but if you understand what I just explained above, it doesn’t make any sense at all!)
Eat Less and Exercise More??? (WRONG!)
Think about that for a second…
Eating less means that you’re getting even less fuel and exercising more means that you’re using up what little fuel you do have even faster.
When you run out of fuel, that’s when your body releases massive amounts of stress hormones and when your thyroid and metabolism become damaged!
Sure, those stress hormones might help you lose a few pounds in the short-term. But, you’d better be prepared for the long-term weight gain that’s headed your way.
And heaven forbid you tell anyone that exercise only makes you more exhausted because they just look at you like you’re some lazy person who is just making excuses.
If you continue to do this to your body, then you’re not only ruining your thyroid, you’re setting yourself up for a number of diseases including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
This madness has got to stop!
The good news is that there is a much safer and more effective way…
The 3 Keys to Safe and Effective Thyroid-Boosting Exercise
Doesn’t it make much more sense, that if you want to increase your energy levels and lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way, that you must stop this unhealthy process, improve your thyroid function, and maximize your metabolism?
The solution to making exercise safe and thyroid-boosting is simply to stop this dangerous stress response that exercise causes BEFORE it ever happens.
The 3 Thyroid-Exercise Keys below make up the exact protocol I adapted from my own trials and tribulations to do just that. I used them to help transform my own body and energy levels back to that of my youth. Now, I use them to help my own clients do the same.


You’re likely no stranger to the idea that eating a healthy diet requires eating within a given set of dietary parameters. For example, you need to eat the right balance of nutrients, not over-eat or under-eat, etc.
Just like eating outside these dietary parameters can be unhealthy… exercising outside of healthy “exercise parameters” forces your body to depend on unhealthy thyroid-suppressive energy systems.
To prevent this, we use the first key to thyroid-exercise, which I like to call Thyroid Energy System Training. This ensures that your body only works within the thyroid-boosting ATP-CP energy system (see the energy system chart provided).
But, be careful… once you fall outside this thyroid-boosting energy system, you can quickly induce a stress response that shuts down your thyroid and perpetuates your thyroid dysfunction.
Not only is it essential that you use the “right” kinds of exercise, it’s also essential that you structure and perform them using the correct exercise parameters.
If you think cardio, running, aerobics, etc. are the key to healthy weight-loss, then think again.
Cardio exercise is the fastest way to activate the worst energy systems that run your thyroid health into the ground.
You’re likely no stranger to the idea that eating a healthy diet requires eating within a given set of dietary parameters. For example, you need to eat the right balance of nutrients, not over-eat or under-eat, etc.
Just like eating outside these dietary parameters can be unhealthy… exercising outside of healthy “exercise parameters” forces your body to depend on unhealthy thyroid-suppressive energy systems.
To prevent this, we use the first key to thyroid-exercise, which I like to call Thyroid Energy System Training. This ensures that your body only works within the thyroid-boosting ATP-CP energy system (see the energy system chart provided).
But, be careful… once you fall outside this thyroid-boosting energy system, you can quickly induce a stress response that shuts down your thyroid and perpetuates your thyroid dysfunction.
Not only is it essential that you use the “right” kinds of exercise, it’s also essential that you structure and perform them using the correct exercise parameters.
If you think cardio, running, aerobics, etc. are the key to healthy weight-loss, then think again.
Cardio exercise is the fastest way to activate the worst energy systems that run your thyroid health into the ground.



Remember that BIG Mistake I told you about back toward the top of this page? Well, this second key to thyroid-exercise was really what did me in.
Thyroid-Exercise Nutrition Sequencing isn’t just about getting the right nutrition. It’s about getting the right nutrition properly “sequenced” to the specific timing of your workouts.
This means getting the right balance of protein, carbohydrates, and fat properly matched for each phase (pre-exercise, during exercise, and post-exercise) of your workout.
For example, there’s a special window of time after you exercise where you should be avoiding fat and using even more carbohydrates.
To make your workouts work for you and your thyroid (and not against), you must take advantage of these special windows of time and make the most of their thyroid-boosting effects (see the blue line in the chart provided).
If not, even a small amount of exercise is likely to suppress your thyroid long after your workout is over (see the red line in the chart provided).
If you think that drinking a whey protein shake or eating a nutrition bar is the answer, then think again.
And, if you think that skipping meals and not properly fueling your body before exercising will help you lose weight faster… then you’re better off not exercising at all, because you’re really suppressing your thyroid and destroying your metabolism.

I’m sure you’ve seen your fair share of exercise “before-and-after” photos. Seeing the physical changes and reading the numbers on the scale is how most people measure their progress. I’m sure you’ve even seen photos showing amazing transformations in as little as 2 to 4 weeks.
What they’re not showing you are photos of the following years after they’ve suppressed their thyroid and damaged their metabolism. Trust me, they stopped smiling when the fatigue set in, they stopped sleeping, became hyper-sensitive to stress, or when they gained all the weight back.
Remember what I said back at the top of this page? Losing weight “quickly” is dangerous to your thyroid health.
In other words, you can’t depend on looking in the mirror or reading the scale to ensure that your workouts aren’t causing more harm than good.
That’s what makes this third thyroid-exercise key, Thyroid-Exercise Feedback Progression, so vital to your success.
It’s a way to measure your “thyroid response” to exercise, which serves two essential purposes. First, it shows you without a doubt whether your workout was thyroid-boosting or thyroid-suppressive. Second, it gives you the feedback you need to know about when and how to adjust and progress your workouts, while ensuring that they’re still safe and effective.
I see people every day flying blind, following ridiculous exercise programs, and recommendations that just shoot their stress hormones sky-high while setting themselves up for major future health complications. And they don’t have a clue that any of this is happening because they’re not measuring their response to exercise.
If you’re currently exercising and not measuring your response, then odds are your thyroid is suffering too.

I’m sure you’ve seen your fair share of exercise “before-and-after” photos. Seeing the physical changes and reading the numbers on the scale is how most people measure their progress. I’m sure you’ve even seen photos showing amazing transformations in as little as 2 to 4 weeks.
What they’re not showing you are photos of the following years after they’ve suppressed their thyroid and damaged their metabolism. Trust me, they stopped smiling when the fatigue set in, they stopped sleeping, became hyper-sensitive to stress, or when they gained all the weight back.
Remember what I said back at the top of this page? Losing weight “quickly” is dangerous to your thyroid health.
In other words, you can’t depend on looking in the mirror or reading the scale to ensure that your workouts aren’t causing more harm than good.
That’s what makes this third thyroid-exercise key, Thyroid-Exercise Feedback Progression, so vital to your success.
It’s a way to measure your “thyroid response” to exercise, which serves two essential purposes. First, it shows you without a doubt whether your workout was thyroid-boosting or thyroid-suppressive. Second, it gives you the feedback you need to know about when and how to adjust and progress your workouts, while ensuring that they’re still safe and effective.
I see people every day flying blind, following ridiculous exercise programs, and recommendations that just shoot their stress hormones sky-high while setting themselves up for major future health complications. And they don’t have a clue that any of this is happening because they’re not measuring their response to exercise.
If you’re currently exercising and not measuring your response, then odds are your thyroid is suffering too.
It’s Time to STOP Exercising Harder and START Exercising Smarter…
When I first learned everything I just showed you, I started questioning my clients in more detail regarding exercise.
What I found was interesting…
Some of my clients were in fact exercising, but in all the wrong ways, which turned out to be the “tipping point” for many of them.
You see, it can be nearly impossible to improve your thyroid function if everything you’re doing is negated by dangerous exercise choices. In fact, just removing the dangerous exercise alone helped many achieve far better results.
Yet, what I found even more interesting was this…
Many of my clients who weren’t exercising, were the ones who could benefit the most. Some complained that they were too exhausted to exercise, or that exercise made them feel even worse.
That’s when I explained to them that exercise shouldn’t be exhausting and that it’s not about exercising harder, it’s about exercising smarter.
No more long, boring, and exhausting cardio workouts. No more killing themselves in the gym for nothing. No more trying to do the right thing while unknowingly sabotaging their thyroid, metabolism, and health in the process.
So, I began teaching my clients how to exercise safely and effectively with their thyroid condition.
But as it turned out, my clients didn’t want me to just teach them how to exercise… they wanted me to create the workouts, nutrition sequencing protocols, exercise progressions, and walk them through everything step-by-step. So, that’s exactly what I did…
Instead of repeating the same exercise advice over and over again to my clients, I created the ultimate thyroid-exercise resource.
I recorded a number of high-quality follow-along workout videos and broke it all down into a simple, quick, and done-for-you thyroid-exercise program that delivers safe and effective thyroid-boosting results.
Everything You Need to Boost Your Thyroid With Exercise Is Inside This Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Program…
The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Program was created out the need of my clients because there is NO good exercise information available for hypothyroidism sufferers.
In fact, 99% of the exercise information found online will only cause damage to your thyroid and metabolism.
This isn’t about just explaining the science behind exercise and hypothyroidism, leaving you with no clue where to even begin. This is designed specifically for people just like you who want real answers and a real solution.

This is the most complete, most comprehensive, and ONLY exercise program designed specifically to address and overcome the inherent issues associated with exercise and hypothyroidism.
And the best part is that you can get started today in the matter of minutes because the entire program is available online.
The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Program consists of a 3 Phase Progressive Exercise System designed for people of any age or exercise experience.
It covers every aspect of exercise, exercise nutrition, exercise recovery, and even exercise supplementation.
Remember… Exercising with hypothyroidism is about exercising Smarter, NOT longer or harder. That’s why these workouts are designed to be short yet highly efficient and effective, taking less than 30 minutes, 2 to 3 times per week.
This Exercise Program was Designed With Convenience In Mind…
Believe it or not, but the longer your workouts are, the worse they are for your thyroid.
Plus, you shouldn’t have to waste 30 minutes of your time and energy in the car driving to a busy gym just to sit and waste more time and energy waiting to use their exercise equipment.
Who has time for that???
You can save your money and forget the gym membership because these workouts are designed to be done in the comfort of your own home (or you can do them in a gym if you prefer).
You don’t even have to go out and spend a bunch of money on exercise equipment.
“It’s So Simple and Easy That Anyone Can Do It. You Don’t Even Need a Gym Membership… All You Need Is 30 Minutes 2 to 3 Times Per Week to Start Improving Your Thyroid Health.”
Here’s What You Get Today…

The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Program Manual
This Program Manual is your guide to showing you exactly how to stop damaging your thyroid and metabolism with exercise and how to start exercising to improve your thyroid health and function.
The truth is that almost all forms of exercise, including those heralded as “heart healthy”, are very effective at suppressing your thyroid. Unfortunately, 99 percent of all people who exercise are doing their thyroid a great disservice.
The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Program Manual

This Program Manual is your guide to showing you exactly how to stop damaging your thyroid and metabolism with exercise and how to start exercising to improve your thyroid health and function.
The truth is that almost all forms of exercise, including those heralded as “heart healthy”, are very effective at suppressing your thyroid. Unfortunately, 99 percent of all people who exercise are doing their thyroid a great disservice.
In This Program Manual You’ll Discover…
- The Only Safe and Effective Way To Lose Weight With Hypothyroidism and Keep It Off…
- Why Eating Less and Exercising More Will Only Cause More Damage to Your Thyroid and Cause More Long Term Weight Gain…
- Why Cardio-Based Exercise Is the Worst Way to Burn Calories and Lose Weight…
- Why All Fad Diets, From the Atkins Diet to Weight Watchers, Damage Your Thyroid…
- My 5 Best Dietary Weight Loss Tips…
- The Secret of How to Exercise With Hypothyroidism Without Damaging Your Thyroid…
- The 4 Most Important Nutrients Your Thyroid Needs During Exercise…
- The Most Optimal and Most Effective Workout Drink That Is Essential To Your Success…
- And So Much More…
The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Follow-Along Workout DVD Videos
This Program Exercise DVD is the video companion to the Program Manual. This DVD is your guide to all of your pro-thyroid workouts.
You’re not just getting workout instructions… you’re getting complete follow-along video instructions of each and every workout. So, you won’t be confused or left wondering if you’re doing the exercises correctly. I walk you through each and every one, every step of the way.
- Complete “Follow-Along” Workouts For You To Follow Every Step Of the Way…
- Video Instructions of Each and Every Exercise to Ensure Your Success…

The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Follow-Along Workout DVD Videos

This Program Exercise DVD is the video companion to the Program Manual. This DVD is your guide to all of your pro-thyroid workouts.
You’re not just getting workout instructions… you’re getting complete follow-along video instructions of each and every workout. So, you won’t be confused or left wondering if you’re doing the exercises correctly. I walk you through each and every one, every step of the way.
- Complete “Follow-Along” Workouts For You To Follow Every Step Of the Way…
- Video Instructions of Each and Every Exercise to Ensure Your Success…

The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Mobility Warm-Ups
Properly warming-up and preparing your body, muscles, and joints for exercise is essential for protecting you from the thyroid suppressing stress of exercise, minimizing your risk of injury, and improving your body’s ability to properly recover from your workouts, making every single workout more efficient and effective.
You Get the Full Detailed Warm-Up Manual and the High Definition Follow Along Warm-Up Video…
- You’ll Discover the Simple Yet Highly Effective 12 Step Mobility Warm-Up Protocol to Make Your Workouts 10X More Effective…
- You’ll Also Discover How to Safely Eliminate the Aches and Pains That Are Slowing You Down In Life…
The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Mobility Warm-Ups

Properly warming-up and preparing your body, muscles, and joints for exercise is essential for protecting you from the thyroid suppressing stress of exercise, minimizing your risk of injury, and improving your body’s ability to properly recover from your workouts, making every single workout more efficient and effective.
You Get the Full Detailed Warm-Up Manual and the High Definition Follow Along Warm-Up Video…
- You’ll Discover the Simple Yet Highly Effective 12 Step Mobility Warm-Up Protocol to Make Your Workouts 10X More Effective…
- You’ll Also Discover How to Safely Eliminate the Aches and Pains That Are Slowing You Down In Life…
The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Phase-1 Workouts
In Phase 1, we focus on laying the proper foundation for future exercise phases. By doing this, we are effectively preparing the body from the ground up for more advanced and more strenuous exercises to ensure that your thyroid stays protected.
You Get the Full Detailed Warm-Up Manual and 2 High Definition Follow Along Workout Videos…
- You’ll Discover How to Activate Key Muscles to Prevent Unnecessary Stress On Your Body 24/7…
- You’ll Also Discover How to Integrate Specific Key Movement Patterns That Will Be Progressed In Later Phases…

The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Phase-1 Workouts

In Phase 1, we focus on laying the proper foundation for future exercise phases. By doing this, we are effectively preparing the body from the ground up for more advanced and more strenuous exercises to ensure that your thyroid stays protected.
You Get the Full Detailed Warm-Up Manual and 2 High Definition Follow Along Workout Videos…
- You’ll Discover How to Activate Key Muscles to Prevent Unnecessary Stress On Your Body 24/7…
- You’ll Also Discover How to Integrate Specific Key Movement Patterns That Will Be Progressed In Later Phases…

The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Phase-2 Workouts
In Phase 2, we focus on building upon and progressing your exercise foundation. We do this by focusing on exercises that functionally carry over into your everyday life, which helps your body to adapt and produce energy more efficiently all day long.
You Get the Full Detailed Warm-Up Manual and 2 High Definition Follow Along Workout Videos…
- You’ll Discover How to Progress Your Workouts While Ultimately Protecting Your Thyroid…
- You’ll Also Discover How to Tap Into Your Thyroid-Boosting Energy System to Give You More Energy and Make Everyday Life Seem Easier…
The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Phase-2 Workouts

In Phase 2, we focus on building upon and progressing your exercise foundation. We do this by focusing on exercises that functionally carry over into your everyday life, which helps your body to adapt and produce energy more efficiently all day long.
You Get the Full Detailed Warm-Up Manual and 2 High Definition Follow Along Workout Videos…
- You’ll Discover How to Progress Your Workouts While Ultimately Protecting Your Thyroid…
- You’ll Also Discover How to Tap Into Your Thyroid-Boosting Energy System to Give You More Energy and Make Everyday Life Seem Easier…
The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Phase-3 Workouts
In Phase 3, we focus on teaching your body how to properly generate the energy you need to get you through the day while doing it in a manner that protects your thyroid and promotes healthy energy production.
You Get the Full Detailed Warm-Up Manual and 2 High Definition Follow Along Workout Videos…
- You’ll Discover How to Increase Your Fuel Reserves to Get Your Body Producing More Energy and Far More Efficiently…
- You’ll Also Discover How to Accelerate Your Results to Get You Back to Feeling Like Yourself Again…

The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Phase-3 Workouts

In Phase 3, we focus on teaching your body how to properly generate the energy you need to get you through the day while doing it in a manner that protects your thyroid and promotes healthy energy production.
You Get the Full Detailed Warm-Up Manual and 2 High Definition Follow Along Workout Videos…
- You’ll Discover How to Increase Your Fuel Reserves to Get Your Body Producing More Energy and Far More Efficiently…
- You’ll Also Discover How to Accelerate Your Results to Get You Back to Feeling Like Yourself Again…

The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Supplement Guide
There are some specific supplements that you can use to your advantage with exercise to provide another layer of protection for your thyroid. I not only want to show you these supplements, I want to show you how to effectively incorporate them into your workout routine for even better and faster results.
I don’t recommend those gimmicky and over-hyped exercise supplements that can actually cause more harm than good. This is NOT about some magical protein powder or green drink.
These are unlike any other supplements that you have seen or used before. But many have been used by Olympic Athletes to improve performance and energy production when peak performance is a must.
- You’ll Discover the 6 Most Important and Effective Supplements That Help Protect Your Thyroid and Boost Your Metabolism When Exercising…
The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Supplement Guide

There are some specific supplements that you can use to your advantage with exercise to provide another layer of protection for your thyroid. I not only want to show you these supplements, I want to show you how to effectively incorporate them into your workout routine for even better and faster results.
I don’t recommend those gimmicky and over-hyped exercise supplements that can actually cause more harm than good. This is NOT about some magical protein powder or green drink.
These are unlike any other supplements that you have seen or used before. But many have been used by Olympic Athletes to improve performance and energy production when peak performance is a must.
- You’ll Discover the 6 Most Important and Effective Supplements That Help Protect Your Thyroid and Boost Your Metabolism When Exercising…
Here Are Just a Few Emails We’ve Received About the Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Program…
“Did My First One and I Felt Amazing!”
Hi Tom, I am so glad to have found your program! I am a retired professional athlete, turned into a fanatical gym rat. I worked out hard 6 days a week with HIIT, strength training, loved running sprints. I was in the best shape of my life and had the VO2 max score of a 20 yr. I’m soon to be 52. I started to notice I couldn’t recover for days after working out with my trainer. I just completely crashed and had absolutely NO energy!
I found a Functional Med. doctor who told me all I could do is walk and not get my heart rate up more than double my resting rate. I hate not working out, so I got your workout plan and did my first one and I felt amazing! Thank you for all your information!
“My Joints Have Become Pain Free”
Wanted to add one more very important result I have had. My joints have become pain free and I was having regular issues with my hips was trying various exercises and massage therapy, but this program unexpectedly fixed this for me. Which at my age (61 this year) is really a fantastic result and I almost feel bad for my peers who are in constant pain.
“Now My Muscle Mass Is Good and the Weight Is Coming Off”
Your ‘Exercise Program’ taught me where I was going wrong and now I have energy doing the exercises that are enhancing my thyroid rather than ‘flogging’ it.
Your recommendations have made a big difference and now my muscle mass is good and the weight is coming off.
“It Is Easy to Follow…”
Tom, I have ordered your exercise program and will begin my third week. It is easy to follow and not as taxing as the three to four day gym workouts I have been doing for the past 4 years with no results.
I thank you for the research and for sharing your knowledge with me and so many other hypothyroid disasters. I look forward to working harder and learning more from you.
Plus, With This FREE Bonus I’m Giving You… The Hypothyroidism Exercise Program Almost Pays for Itself…
FREE Bonus: Money-Saving Exercise Equipment Guide
($19.95 VALUE)

This bonus is all about saving… not only your money but also your time.
Save yourself the 30 minute plus round-trip drive to the gym, the wasted time waiting to use the gym equipment, and your expensive gym membership fees.
And don’t even think about going out and buying expensive gym equipment of your own.
You can follow most of the workouts without any equipment at all. Yet, if you want to progress your workouts and make them more challenging, then there’s only one piece of exercise equipment you need.
I’m going to show you how to put it together for about $10 using just 2 cheap materials and few household items. Plus it’s easily done in less than 30 minutes using only 3 simple steps.
The cost savings of this alone can almost pay for the entire program.
And Remember… You Are Protected No Matter What
While I know the Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Program will help you, just as it’s helped thousands of others including my own hypothyroid and Hashimoto’s clients…
…I don’t want you to feel pressured into making your final decision today.
Instead, I want you to use this revolutionary exercise program risk-free for a full 60-days and see the results for yourself before you decide if it’s for you. If for any reason you’re not satisfied, then no worries. You’re covered by our no-questions asked money-back guarantee.

The Hypothyroidism Revolution Promise
Start Seeing and Feeling the Results or Your Money Back
Put the Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Program to the test for a full 60 days with absolutely no risk, and see for yourself how this will change your life. If for any reason you’re not happy, or seeing the results that you want with my program, then I’m more than happy to give you a refund. However, after seeing the difference that this has made in my clients’ lives, I’m confident that you’ll be blown away with what I’m about to show you.

Get the Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Program Today
Just Choose the Best Option for You
Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Hard Copy Upgrade
- Get the Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Physical Book plus the Workout DVD delivered to your doorstep… plus get instant access to the digital version of the program online FREE while you wait… US Shipping $4.95 (International Shipping $16.95)
Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Digital Program
- Get Instant Access to the complete digital copy of the Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Program online… and save an extra $20 plus shipping and handling fees…
When you place your order today, within a few minutes you’ll receive your log-in details for the exclusive members-only Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Members’ Area. Inside this members’ area you can get started with the Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution immediately.
If you order the hard copy version of the exercise program, then you’ll also receive an email notification as soon as your program manual and DVD are shipped and on their way, along with the shipment tracking information.
And don’t forget… if you order the hard copy version, you still get instant access to the digital version online so you can get started while you wait for your program to be delivered to your doorstep.
You can literally get started within the next few minutes.

If You’re Not Exercising, Then You’re Missing Out…
If you’re not exercising, then you’re missing out on many health benefits.
Your body is designed to move. And, in today’s sedentary world you need movement and exercise to truly be healthy.
Oftentimes, with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, we’re just too tired or lack the motivation we need to exercise.
Yet, when you exercise the “Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Way“, you’ll begin to both feel better and experience an increase in energy.
Once you get the ball rolling and feel the difference, you won’t want to stop.
You might be surprised to learn just how easy, fun, and short exercise really should be.
If You’re Not Exercising, Then You’re Missing Out…

If you’re not exercising, then you’re missing out on many health benefits.
Your body is designed to move. And, in today’s sedentary world you need movement and exercise to truly be healthy.
Oftentimes, with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, we’re just too tired or lack the motivation we need to exercise.
Yet, when you exercise the “Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Way“, you’ll begin to both feel better and experience an increase in energy.
Once you get the ball rolling and feel the difference, you won’t want to stop.
You might be surprised to learn just how easy, fun, and short exercise really should be.
Yet, There’s Also No Point In Killing Your Thyroid With Exercise…
That’s right… There’s no point in killing yourself exercising in ways that worsen your thyroid condition.
When it comes to exercise, the idea that “more is better” is not only flat out wrong… it’s dangerous.
If you feel exhausted after exercising then you’re doing it all wrong.
Yet, when you exercise the “Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Way“, you’ll feel better after your workouts than before you started.
And when you use the simple and easy exercise recovery strategies that you’re about to learn in the program, your tolerance for exercise will improve drastically.
It makes the world of difference when you stop exercising in ways that deplete your body and start exercising in ways that rebuild it.

Yet, There’s Also No Point In Killing Your Thyroid With Exercise…

That’s right… There’s no point in killing yourself exercising in ways that worsen your thyroid condition.
When it comes to exercise, the idea that “more is better” is not only flat out wrong… it’s dangerous.
If you feel exhausted after exercising then you’re doing it all wrong.
Yet, when you exercise the “Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Way“, you’ll feel better after your workouts than before you started.
And when you use the simple and easy exercise recovery strategies that you’re about to learn in the program, your tolerance for exercise will improve drastically.
It makes the world of difference when you stop exercising in ways that deplete your body and start exercising in ways that rebuild it.

Instead, Start Saving Time, Money, and Your Thyroid…
When you start exercising the “Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Way“, you’ll be saving time, money, and your thyroid in the process.
Plus, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’re following an exercise program specifically designed to protect and boost thyroid function for thyroid sufferers.
It’s so simple and easy that anyone can do it, regardless of your exercise experience.
You don’t even need a gym membership.
All you need is 30 minutes 2 to 3 times per week to start improving your thyroid health.
Instead, Start Saving Time, Money, and Your Thyroid…

When you start exercising the “Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution Way“, you’ll be saving time, money, and your thyroid in the process.
Plus, you’ll have peace of mind knowing that you’re following an exercise program specifically designed to protect and boost thyroid function for thyroid sufferers.
It’s so simple and easy that anyone can do it, regardless of your exercise experience.
You don’t even need a gym membership.
All you need is 30 minutes 2 to 3 times per week to start improving your thyroid health.
About Your Exercise Instructor
Tom Brimeyer is the founder of Forefront Health and the creator of the popular Hypothyroidism Revolution program series, based on his success with clients and advanced studies in thyroid research, nutrition, and exercise physiology. Specializing in thyroid and metabolism disorders, Tom’s work has impacted over 75,000 thyroid sufferers spanning more than 60 countries. Tom is a highly sought after practitioner who runs a successful health consulting practice where he continues to help clients across the globe to take back control of their lives from their devastating health conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions About The Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution…
No, not at all. These workouts are actually designed to be done in the comfort of your own home, so no gym is necessary. However, if you prefer, all workouts can be done in a gym.
No, not at all. Some of the workouts require additional weight to make them more challenging. This can be done using a dumbbell or by my recommended simple and inexpensive way of making your own exercise equipment that I show you. You can even do these workouts without weight if you prefer.
No, not at all. On the contrary, the longer your workouts are, the worse they are for your thyroid. This workout program is designed to be short but highly effective taking 30 minutes or less per workout and 3 or less days a week.
Yes, of course. There’s no need to start, stop, or make changes to your thyroid medication.
The fundamentals of cell physiology do not change, so this will work for any form of hypothyroidism.
Not at all. This program is designed for people of all ages and exercise experience. Whether you’re new to exercise or not, the workouts can be regressed or progressed to meet your exercise needs.